Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Dorian Office Update

Following a talk with Phill discussing the logic driving our environment design, which resulted in the decision to deliberately re-appropriate set-pieces from the noir films that would inspire Dorian's idealism, I've been working on Dorian's office.

Here are some key reference images I've been using...

I'm being thorough in generating turn arounds for each major prop, figuring the more worked out in 2D, the less work in 3D. Here's the ones done so far...

From The Maltese Falcon

From The Maltese Falcon

From Office at Night (Hopper)

From Office at Night (Hopper)

From Double Indemnity
Here's an ensemble of the pieces modelled so far...


  1. Oo looking good :O
    (I wonder what they'll look with a Toon Shader on it.

  2. I love the sheets by the way~
