Thursday, 29 December 2011

Friday, 23 December 2011

Project Review

Hi Guys, lets schedule a project review for after christmas break,
how does the 3rd/4th of January sound?

P.s. Did you have a chance to read my Facebook message about the script?
Any Chance of me getting that before this saturday?

pp.s. Merry Christmas!

Monday, 19 December 2011

Thursday, 15 December 2011

(No ToonShader) Mave first Outfit

I'm going to do her other outfit Tomorrow (just a jacket) and hopefully get a proper toonshader on it too~

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Mave's Almost Done

Them some good looking shoes~

I've decided in an attempt to save time, the characters will be colour with plain colours except their skin~
When she is done I'll put the ToonShader  on and see what happens :O

Important question

In terms of colouring on the characters do you think simple colours already in Maya will surfice or should we actually give them unique ish textures?

I'll still UV everyone but I'll paint them in simple colours at the same time as that makes it easier for me to UV~

How To do Toon Shading courtesy of Jon Stewart

I suggest you save it to your computer it will look clearer there!

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Dorian's Office - Update

Now with some clutter, and a colour test. There's a couple of odd lines here and there where light is obviously glitching out, I'll get that sorted. I'm also going to run these by Alan later today, to get his thoughts.

Dorian's Office

Here's how it's looking at the moment!

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Friday, 9 December 2011

Mave Head Modelling Complete

Alot better (and faster) than Dorian was, I'm very proud of this one she looks exactly how I want too :D

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Modelling Mave's Head

After talking over my time management with my father I've decided in order to get with better grips to modelling I should do all the similar things one after the other, therefore after I successfully make Mave's head (tomorrow) I will then make Sammy's, Then I'll move on to the body of each/ mainly the last two).

 I think working this way will help my models get better and will help me remember the process of each too~

Monday, 5 December 2011

Modelling Dorian's Body: Shoes

The shoes are done just add the head and hand :O
(and then make the trenchcoat which shouldn't take to long)

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Modelling Dorian's Body

Quite pleased with the detail on this one, was going to make the shoes today but....yeah I wasn't mentally ready for that today~
I'll make the hands and shoes tomorrow :)

Friday, 2 December 2011

Modelling Dorian's face Complete!

Its finally done,  I present to you Dorian's Head!
One I'm very pleased about I might add ;o

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Modelling Dorian's Face

Ok looking better, If you guys wan't anything changed let me know~

Modelling Dorian's Face

Took a while but it was well worth the wait, he definitely looks like his picture now >D
Any who onto the nose!
(Note to self don't skip anything otherwise you'll miss things looking perfect)

I may take a little longer than I wished on modelling the characters because I had to go back a few tutorials but from now on it should be quicker!

Modelling Dorian's face again

I must admit its starting to look more like him..
I have got a little bit more to do (like make that chin longer, but in due time~)

Dorian Office Update

Following a talk with Phill discussing the logic driving our environment design, which resulted in the decision to deliberately re-appropriate set-pieces from the noir films that would inspire Dorian's idealism, I've been working on Dorian's office.

Here are some key reference images I've been using...

I'm being thorough in generating turn arounds for each major prop, figuring the more worked out in 2D, the less work in 3D. Here's the ones done so far...

From The Maltese Falcon

From The Maltese Falcon

From Office at Night (Hopper)

From Office at Night (Hopper)

From Double Indemnity
Here's an ensemble of the pieces modelled so far...